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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Blog Link

Hey thanks for stopping by I have moved my blog to my new layout, Please update your bookmarks to the new address which is

Thanks again for all your support!

Joel Smith

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Niagara Wedding Magazine Shoot

For the Spring/ Summer addition of the Wedding Niagara Magazine, I had the chance to shoot some pretty nice shoes from local vendors from The Boot Shop, Marilee's Bridal and The Shoe Company. Working with Lori  from the magazine was great and I look forward to more of my working showing up in their magazines. Be sure to pick up a copy of this addition, it is full of great ideas from local vendors.

Joel Smith

Monday, December 7, 2009

Thoughts on love and marriage

If you're going to flirt, flirt with your mate

If you're going to lie… lie with the one you love

If you’re going to fall in love, fall back in love with your spouse

If you’re going to cheat, eat ice cream late at night

If you bad be bad together.

Live by your vows you have made to one another

Most important always so I love you once a day, to the one you married.

Joel Smith

Joel Smith

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