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Friday, September 18, 2009

Janie & Ray's Engagement Session

So tonight I had the chance to hang out with Janie & Ray, two people that have hearts of gold. The winners of the Wish upon a wedding contest put on by, we ventured off on the most perfect night you could ask for. Heading down to downtown Niagara Falls we had the chance to capture two people madly in love with one another. Engagement session are great, it gives us some time together to get to know one another and you find out things about people that just touch your heart. Janie & Ray met in high school and have been trying ever since to finally tie the knot, well their dream came true, on November 29th, 2009 they are going to be getting married. Life throws everyone curves and the bigger the curve the stronger the people and the relationships you have, as we were talking they comment on how excited they were to have the chance to have professional portraits done. Not very long ago Janie & Ray were on a vacation and after a great trip they came home to a basement full of water and all their family photos were destroyed. Yesterday started their new chapter of capture the family photos that can't be replaced.

I look forward to capturing and sharing with all of you the rest of their photo journey from here on out, you are clients for life and very special people, thank you for making the photos below so easy :)

For the rest of the photos click here

Joel Smith

engagement portraits
engagement portraits
joel smith photography
wish upon a wedding
engagement portraits

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Larry's BIG Suprise

To find out what the big surprise is from Larry

Joel Smith

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