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Saturday, July 25, 2009

July Wedding

On a day that called for 60% chance of rain for an outdoor wedding it didn't look least on TV, I woke up to a picture perfect day blue clouds fluffy white cloudsd filled the sky. The back yard ceremony set along the banks of Martindale pond made for some great place to take photos. Here are some from the day of Amber & Scott's wedding.

The first photo is the golden rule of marriage!

niagara weddings

wedding portraits


amber_scott wedding

Niagara weddings

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Toledo, Ohio Wedding

I just found out that on October 17th, 2009 I have the honor of covering a wedding of a special friend of my wife's in Toledo, Ohio. I have yet to meet Angela and Jamie but Renée has known Jamie for a long time now. After talking with Jamie this week I found out they are going to be getting married in a amazing old mansion in the heart of Toledo called the Mansion view Inn it look amazing and I am very excited about the adventure and excitment of shooting in such a fantastic location.

I look forward to keeping everyone up to date.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

My Wedding work

Well I have finally had some time to sit down and start to go through my wedding work and get some samples together. Here is some work from Cam & Courtney's wedding.

Joel Smith

Joel Smith

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